Vison and Ojective


Increase Your Business Opportunities
  1. Complimentary listing in CAMFFA Membership website Directory. Your company contact details will be registered in CAMFFA website with the possibility for visitors to have direct access to your website. More traders can see your company's scope of business and contact you. More trust to your oversea partners and agents.
  2. Complimentary listing in CAMFFA communiqué, Annual report and other CAMFFA publications.
  3. CAMFFA website advertising access.
  4. Participate in exclusive networking sessions and business missions.
  5. Access to International and National Logistics fairs.

Develop Your Resources
  1. Enjoy discounted fees on vocational training and education programs conducted by CAMFFA.
  2. Join together our meetings in harmony and to mutually exchange views in technical and practical matters, information, and research, related to freight forwarding in general.

Access Industry & Trade Information
  1. Received the most recent updates & circulars via email, fax & CAMFFA Communiqué.
  2. Participate in forums and workshop with UNESCAP, ADB, WB, JETRO and other institutions nationally and internationally.
  3. On your behalf CAMFFA participate in feedback & dialogue sessions with Cambodia Government Private Sector Working Groups
    • Energy, Transport and Infrastructure
    • Trade Facilitation
    • Customs-Private Sector Partnership Mechanism
  4. Access to latest information on transportation with AFFA and FIATA.
  5. Exchange with government institutions consent statistics and/or documents and/or any information related to freight forwarding operations.

Create Your Identity
  1. Receive CAMFFA Membership Certificate.
  2. Display CAMFFA logo on your documents, fleet & collaterals.

One of the main criteria, pre-requisite and characteristic for a company calling itself professional is a membership with their trade Association.

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Contact Information
No. 37A, Street 596, Sangkat Beoung Kak2, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23 884 990/
Fax: (855) 23 884 891
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