Investment in Cambodia »
The government has solved many problems related to the business and investment climate in Cambodia such as the reimbursement of value-added tax for exported goods, extension of tax holidays for garment factories, requirements for bank licensing, and the extension of accommodation tax exemption for the tourism industry. However, the main challenge is the strengthening of good governance at central and provincial levels.
Government priority is to increase access to international markets by integrating the Cambodian economy into the regional and world economy; rehabilitate and develop roads, airports, ports and other infrastructures including water supply, electricity distribution and telecommunication networks; and strengthen the legal framework, institutional capacity, investment and business facilitation.
These developments will enable the government to better exploit the potential of Cambodia's prime investment sectors which include: agriculture, agro-industries, minerals, processing, manufacturing, service, tourism and labor-intensive industries.
Major Trading Partners: United State, Germany, United Kingdom, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Canada, Korea and Taiwan.
Investment Incentives:
The Cambodia government pro-actively supports out welcomes investment and investors to the young country. A variety of incentives are offered to business wishing to produce in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
Major Industries: Agriculture, fishing and forestry, mining, construction, garment manufacture, tourism.
Investment Enquiries:
Council for the Development of Cambodia Government Palace, Sisowath Quay, Wat Phnom, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: +855 23 981 154
Fax: +855 23 428 426